Who lived with blindness for 20 years now sees Being old

YOU really are dead! That's what
What happened to Hassan Rajabu (70), that is
Confirming the truth of the same saying
He bought.
That is, after having lived blindly for almost 20 years,
Ultimately Hassan, a resident of the Old Village Village located in
Muheza District in Tanga District, has opened its eyes and told it
A lot that he never imagined before.
Speaking on a horizon with the joy of unbelief
Over what happened, Elder Rajabu said there was a lot
It happened throughout the period of never before seeing the light of the sun for
20 years, but one of the many he was looking for
His opportunity is one day to see them in a picnic, two presidents
Who came into power when he was blind - who is Jaacah
Kikwete is like JK and John Magufuli (JPM).
"I remember I was blinded in 1997. Since then I have never been
Even to see the sunshine. It was a life of deep darkness
To me, "said Elder Rajabu, to tell the author in
His special interview yesterday.
Third party president, Benjamin Mkapa was in power
While Rajabu was blinded in 1997, before being followed by
Kikwete (2005) and Magufuli who were sworn November 5, 2015 after
Win in the general election held October 25, 2015.
Elder Rajabu is one of the approximately 500 citizens
Have emerged in the optical campaign and provide services
Eye surgery for every one who has been diagnosed with the problem.
The free medical care service, was performed in in
Universal Health Center and complemented by Institute physicians
Medewell Health in Kibaha on Coastal Coast.
The former Muheza State MP, Hebert Mtangi, helped
Largely the coming of the free service from Medewell
In Muheza District, others being the Ward District Council of Misozwe,
Jestina Mntangi and the Co-ordinator of the Disease Disease Service
Muheza District, Aderina Swai.
"So far it's like I do not believe. I think it's like a baby.
Even my favorite stick I'm leaving with and I do not know where it is, "
Said Rajabu before adding:
"Some neighbors are also surprised to see my potential
To see like them. I have lived with blindness for many years, "he said
The rabbi was gazing at her eyes all the time.
Rajabu said his era was a driver, but after a seizure
Blind, he found himself staying as a beggar and his life-giving mission
More than six of her children living in different parts of the country,
Located in Dar es Salaam.
In addition to explaining how he was filled with the desire to see the image
JPM and JK are already presidents, Elder Rajabu said there are things
Many have changed in its 20th anniversary of seeing the sun,
One of them is his home that is now becoming more and more
Compare with what it was in the past while losing its ability
To see.
Something that surprised him since he opened his eyes was together
And the presence of new new buildings never seen on
Their area was before, a clean road and also improved buildings
Beyond the Healthcare Center.
"There has been a lot of changes ... I have always wondered.
Joy is still full of me, "said Elder Rajabu.
He reported what it was until he became one of the disabled
Eyes for a period of 20 years, Rajabu said the eye problem
Started it a bit, even before 1997.
He said his left eye was the one who started to bring him
Difficulty after having a regular discharge.
As he grew up, Rajabu said that after seeing that,
Went to the hospital for the purpose of seeking treatment with the original, the result
A medical examination showed that he was suffering from a disease
You're crazy.
Later, the second eye (on the right) began to dry up,
So he found himself unable to continue with his driver's career
Trucks in different companies.
"Problems started as a joke. As I keep worrying here
And in finding cure, I suddenly lost sight of the ability, "
He said.
Rajabu added that the situation gave him a difficult time because
From that time in 1997, he became dependent.
He lost some of his loved ones because they are there
Who have been deprived of their dependence on many things
Elder Rajabu named various famous hospitals in the country
Go to himself and also to be taken by his children, to be treated,
But all over there seemed to be the only way to hit her eyes, but
That failure because of what he claimed to be tormented
Also with the 'eye pressure' problem.
"At first I was very worried about getting basic services like
Going to the beach and bathing ... afterwards I am familiar with the state of blindness and
To accept it. There was no other way, "she said.
In an unexpected manner, Rajabu said that soon, he got it
A guest at his home, who identified himself in the name of Judith,
Who is one of the nurses.
He said the nurse had reported the advent of the doctors
Medewell arrived in Muheza to provide testing services and surgery
A motto eye and thus ask him to be included in order
Investigation and perhaps, with the power of the Creator, he can recover.
Explaining more, he said that he had previously rejected the idea for the reason
He was greatly disturbed and desperate.
"I went to the big hospitals near all and others
They took me to the local witches ... all over there I did not succeed, "
Said Rajabu.
He said despite explaining his position, the nurse (Judith)
He continued to visit him and come back and invite him to go
Tried his luck before the surgeon doctors, the matter
It is admirable to accept ultimately for the purpose of satisfying it
He said after that, he was taken by bodaboda and sent
At Muheza District District Hospital where he met
Doctors. When tested, the answers were favorable to him after
Told that he would be able to see again after surgery
Baby's eye.
At last what he considered to be miraculous things
It appeared to be true after being transferred to Center
Health Quality where he was undergoing surgery and rehabilitation
To see in the next day only after winning the ood one day
Having facial bandages.
"When I was removed from a bandage after I was surgery,
I was amazed at what I saw my neighbor, "said Rajabu, here
Admitting to forget her baby, Mariam, who was with her
Hospital time to achieve the operation of the surgery.
Rajabu said that among many events he found in
20 years of survival and blindness, including seeing him
One of his sons, Hassan, when he died and was buried
And also stolen many items at home without being able to
Confront criminals. Also another catastrophic disaster is run by
Some of his loved ones.
In addition, among the generosity he has ever received from the people
Those around him are also helped to visit the stick
Given by a neighbor named The Emperor.
Other missiles are money and things that they lost all the time
When he went to the local physicians to be treated blind, some were
They are goats and rods of different colors according to instructions
Which was given to him who eventually realized that it was all filled
"Thank God for His mercy, and thank Him
Doctors (from Medewell) who gave me this service without cost
Any and those who brought them to us, "said Rajabu.

Who lived with blindness for 20 years now sees Being old Who lived with blindness for 20 years now sees  Being old Reviewed by Erasto Paul on August 18, 2017 Rating: 5

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